
Me and my family. :)

Thank you for visiting.

To be honest, this blog has been a long time comin’. I’ve had many of the posts you will read here stored on my computer for months and even years. It took a true blending of my passions to make it happen, and I’m so thrilled it’s all coming together. 

I have always loved to create. I am probably one of the biggest spazzes on the planet when it comes to drawing, painting, sculpting, etc., but creativity has always fueled me. This is likely because I’ve always been surrounded by DIYers. My mom always made awesome collages, my maternal grandmother made beautiful afghans and placemats, and my dad made my brother and me a soccer goal and a baseball/softball backstop out of PVC pipe. Like my loved ones, I’ve always had strong ideas, but have been timid in the follow through due to lack of confidence from aforementioned spasticness. 

Recently, though, my passion for writing and crafting have been reignited. Receiving my MFA in writing several years ago, I experienced a sort of “writer’s burnout” shortly after completing my manuscript. I still wanted to write, but could not mentally attend to the task. I was in the midst of getting married and starting a family. 

My husband, Dave, is a super talented when it comes to anything tactile. Anytime I have an idea, I know I can go to him to answer the very important question, how do I make this happen? He always has a way, and that has inspired me to take on more challenges. I wrote for the newspaper in high school and one of my pipe dreams was to have my own magazine, so as I started crafting more, my desire to write about it began to increase. As a wife, mom, and teacher, it was important for me to carve out space in my life for the hobbies that fulfill me. That’s how this blog was born. 

This is a site where I’ll share the things that I love-- DIY projects, gift giving, party planning, and reading, as well as the things I’m just trying to figure out-- cooking, furniture upcycling, and parenting. Because, at the end of the day, what good are we to others if we are not good to ourselves? That’s why I need a place for Jade. And, hopefully, it will be a place for you, too. 

xoxo, Jade

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